Tuesday 27 May 2008

R Kelly trial: Day Seven

Two more witnesses today identified the girl in the video tape at the centre of the child pornography trial of R Kelly..

Aubrey Hampton, a childhood friend of both the alleged victim and yesterday�??s witness Simha Jamison today took to the stand and told the court how she became friends with the victim and Jamison through basketball.

Hampton said she recognised her former friend�??s face, haircut, voice and mannerisms, including how she bit her lower lip. She said she was certain it was her.

Hampton said she had seen an earlier copy of the tape, but her mother discovered it and threw it away.

Hampton�??s mother, Mary K. Jerit, an employee at the Department of Children and Family Services was also a witness today and told the court that she did not report the tape to child services, but did enquire if it was being investigated.

Meanhwhile, a woman was arrested today for shouting �??Free R Kelly.!�?? while standing inside the courthouse close to where jury members were leaving an elevator. Shouting such things within close proximity to the jury is considered contempt of court and the woman�??s bail was set at $50,000 with a hearing scheduled for June 25.

--By our New York staff.
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